What Is the Coat of Arms That Represents K11 School of Fitness Sciences?
K11 School of Fitness Sciences
What Is a Coat of Arms?
Traditionally, Britannica describes coat of arms as an insignia that was used in battle for identification. They go on to say that “coat of arms, the principal part of a system of hereditary symbols dating back to early medieval Europe, used primarily to establish identity in battle. Arms evolved to denote family descent, adoption, alliance, property ownership, and, eventually, profession.”
Britannica further goes on to add that the origin of the term coat of arms is in the surcoat, which was a piece of cloth worn over the armor to shield it from the rays of the sun. It was a sort of repetition of the bearer’s arms, which was on the bearer’s banner or pennon and on the shield. The coat of arms also identified the knight in social surroundings of a tournament. Today, what is popularly termed as coat of arms is actually an armorial or heraldic achievement.
It mainly comprises a shield that is accompanied by a warrior’s helmet, mantling that protects the warrior’s neck from the sun, the wreath that secures the mantling and crest to the helmet, and the crest itself. Additions to the achievement may include the following: badges, mottoes, supporters, and a crown or a coronet.
Now the battlefield has changed, but the thought remains. Now we must establish an identity without the blood and gore.
The Coat of Arms of the K11 School of Fitness Sciences, as Presented by the Principal of the School Mr. Kaizzad Capadia
Here is what the coat of arms has transpired to mean. The Principal of the K11 School of Fitness Sciences Mr. Kaizzad Capadia had this to say about the coat of arms:
“Every reputed educational institution has a coat of arms, a shield that generally has a clear cut message or rather a bedrock philosophy that governs the institution, and I’ve always wanted one for K11, and thanks to the creative team, I now present (please click the link to follow the narrative) to you the coat of arms, the shield that has the 3 main pillars on which education at K11 stands on.”
If you click on and follow the link above (on the word present), the subject matter will be clear to you. As the coat of arms was visible on everybody’s screen, Mr. Kaizzad Capadia went on to add the following:
“There are 3 words that represent everything about how K11 wishes to teach, what K11 wishes to imbibe in its students.” “The first word is curiosity.” Curiosity is what gives rise to the strongest urge to know more, and as long as the curiosity is alive, the quest for knowledge will keep on yielding more and more information. Knowledge is nothing more than information.
How do you know so much? That is a question often asked, and the answer is quite simple. I know so much because I’m so curious. Hence, it all starts off with curiosity, and it is curiosity that gives birth to the next pillar: knowledge“
Contrary to popular belief, knowledge is not a source of power.
Knowledge is potential power. Only and only when it’s applied, is the power of knowledge experienced.
Hence the 3rd Pillar application emanates from the 2nd. Hence, these three words in that particular order,
curiosity leading to knowledge and knowledge leading to power only if it transcends into application, beautifully depict what the K11 School of Fitness Sciences envisages as to how education ideally should be based on.
If you have chosen to be a Professional Personal Trainer, and/or a Human Performance Nutritionist, duly qualified to be a Registered Exercise Professional and are truly curious about the most optimal way to train and feed the body for the most optimal performance, your curiosity is sure to be assuaged and you will acquire a lot of knowledge, at the K11 School of Fitness Sciences.
The Personal Trainer’s course and the Human Performance Nutritionist’s Course are designed in such a way that every bit of theoretical knowledge taught in the classroom is always accompanied by teaching the skill sets of how to apply that knowledge on the client.
The K11 School’s Coat of Arms thus becomes a guiding light to the course creators and the teachers at K11, and the result of this earnest endeavor is that the alumni of the K11 School of Fitness Sciences become the most confident, job-ready Fitness Professionals, who have a stellar track record of getting results from their clients.